ask :: Content -> Content
Prevent infinite recursion when using a value from the data store as content.
For example:
Will break with an infinite recursion
error. To resolve this do:
[ { x = 3; }
(ref data.x)
or (if you don’t like typing “ref”):
[ { x = 3; }
(r data.x)
code :: Language -> Code -> Content
Create a markdown code block
.git.ref :: GitBranchString conix
The GIT branch of the conix repo currently being used
.git.rev :: GitCommitHashString conix
The GIT commit hash of conix repo currently used
.git.text :: NixString conix
String containing a Nix Attribute expression representing conix.git
.git.url :: URLString conix
The HTTP URL of the conix GIT repo
.homepageUrl :: URLString conix
The homepage URL of conix
.version.major :: Natural conix
The major version of the conix repo being used
.version.minor :: Natural conix
The minor version of the conix repo being used
.version.patch :: Natural conix
The patch version of the conix repo being used
.version.text :: SemanticVersionString conix
The semantic version of the conix repo being used.
It is formatted as: major.minor.patch
conixCss :: FileName -> Content -> Content
The css file conix uses for generating its documentation
css :: FilePath -> Content
When used with meta
add the local css file to this html file’s includes
digraph :: ImageName -> DOTCode -> Content
Shorthand for: dotgraph imgName "digraph { ... }"
dir :: DirName -> Content -> Content
Nest the file heirarchy of the given content into the given directory
dotgraph :: ImageName -> DOTCode -> Content
Create an graph image from the given DOT code
eval :: Content -> { text :: String, drv :: Derivation, data :: AttrSet, refs :: AttrSet, exprs :: AttrSet }
Evaluate Content with just the conix library in scope
evalExtended :: Content -> Content -> { text :: String, drv :: Derivation, data :: AttrSet, refs :: AttrSet, exprs :: AttrSet }
Evaluate a Content with the conix library extended with the exprs defined in the first Content
expr :: HaskellTypeString -> Content -> a
Create a new API expression with a type, documentation, and a Nix value.
Traditionally Nix modules are just attribute sets with their values being API expressions (e.g a function). Documentation is left as comments and types don’t exist. expr
abstracts over documentation, types, and the user defined function to make documentation first class in Nix.
file :: (Text -> Derivation) -> FileNameStr -> Content -> Content
Create a new file from the text produced by the given content
foldAttrsCond :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> (AttrSet b -> b) -> AttrSet a -> b
Fold an attribute set down while allowing for attribute sets to be a leaf value.
The first function returns true if the given attribute set is a leaf value. The second function maps leaf values to final values. The third function returns a combined final value from the final values of the lower branches.
For example, to sum the leaf values in an attribute set where a leaf is either a nix value or attribute set containing “stop” as an attribute is:
countLeaves = foldAttrsCond
# An attribute set is a leaf if it contains "stop" as an attribute.
(s: s ? stop)
# return the value 1 for each leaf. We don't need the actual value to compute the result.
(_: 1)
# countMap is a flat attribute set containing the previously counted branches.
(countMap: builtins.foldl' (sum: count: sum + count) 0 (builtins.attrValues countMap));
# This should return 5.
nleaves = countLeaves { a = { b = "b"; c = "c"; }; d.e.f = "f"; g = { h = { stop = 2; }; i = 7; }; };
foldAttrsIxCond :: ((AttrSet e ) -> Bool) -> (a -> Path -> b) -> (AttrSet b -> b) -> AttrSet a -> b
This is just like foldAttrsCond
except the function to convert leaf values into final values also takes in the path from the top of the attribute set for that leaf value.
foldlIx :: (Natural -> b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Left fold with index
html :: FileName -> Content -> Content
Create an HTML file from the given content
img :: FilePath -> Content
Inserts an image in the given document and ensures that the imported image exits and is included in the final derivation
indent :: Natural -> Content -> Content
Indent the text of the content by the given number of spaces
intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a]
Insert the given element inbetween elements of the given list
link :: Content -> Content
Generate a relative path to the given content
For example:
conix: with conix; [ (html "bob" { x = 3; }) (dir "larry" (html "joe" (link refs.x))) ]
will produce a relative path in the html file “joe” ../bob.html
list :: [Content] -> Content
Create a bullet list
local :: FilePath -> Content
Add a local file to the generated derivation
markdown :: FileName -> Content -> Content
Create a markdown file from the given text
merge :: [Content] -> Content
Merge Contents together. This concatenates text values, collects files into a single directory, and recursively merges data
Normally when constructing text values and you wish to concatenate them together one wishes to use something like: foo + "\n" + bar
. With merge
one can simply write: merge [ foo "\n" bar ]
and achieve the same affect.
meta :: [Content] -> Content
Construct the meta data portion of a Pandoc sytle markdown file
modtxt :: (Text -> Text) -> Content -> Content
Modify the text produced by the content
module :: Content -> { Path :: Expression } -> Content
Create a new module with the given module doc string and attribute set containing expressions.
The first argument is content (typically module level documentation) to insert before API documentation.
For example:
# String API
This is an api for creating fancy strings.
appendPeriod = expr
"Content -> Content"
"Appends a period to the given content"
(x: [ x "."])
nest :: PathString -> Content -> Content
Nest the data for the given content under a given path
For example:
m: with m;
(nest "" (n: with n; [{ x = 3; } (r data.x)]))
{x = 4;}
(r data.x)
will produce:
notice how we’ve defined x
in two places. Nesting allows one to keep the first x
from overriding the value of the second.
pagetitle :: String -> Content
The title of the rendered document
pandoc :: OutputFileExtension -> PandocCmdArgs -> BuildInputs -> FileName -> Content -> Content
Use pandoc to construct a file from the given content
pathOf :: LocalFilePath -> Content
Writes the given file path as text and includes the referenced file in the output
pdf :: FileName -> Content -> Content
Create a PDF file from the given content
printNixVal :: a -> String
Pretty print a pure nix-value.
NOTE: do not call this function on a derivation as it will segfault.
r :: Content -> Content
See ref
run :: Content -> Derivation
Runs eval and extracts the derivation
runCode :: (Content -> Content) -> Language -> Code -> Content
Create a code block and append the results of executing the passed runner
runConixSnippet :: SnippetName -> Content -> Content
Run the given Conix code and insert its resulting text
runExtended :: Content -> Content -> Derivation
Runs evalExtended and extracts the derivation
runNixSnippet :: SnippetName -> NixCode -> Content
Create a Nix code block, execute the code, and append the results as a second code block
set :: AttrSet -> Content
Set a pure attribute set. This appends no new text to the content.
table :: [Content] -> [[Content]] -> Content
Create a markdown table with the given headers and rows
tell :: AttrSet -> Content -> Content
Add data to the given content. Attribute paths are absolute and not relative. TODO: add an example
text :: Text -> Content
Append text to the current file.
textfile :: FileName -> Content -> Content
Write the content to the given text file
tutorialSnippet :: FileName -> AttrPathName -> Content -> Content
Create a nix snippet with its content under a reference
using :: (AttrSet -> Content) -> Content
Creates expressions from functions that depend on the final data
. Use this as follows:
conix: with conix; <content expression here>
Here conix = { pkgs = ...; data = ...; ... }
where data
is the final data
and the rest of the conix
attribute set is the conix library and a copy of pkgs
of course).